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Community Impact: A Second Chance for Secondary School

WCF’s Community Impact Partner provides young girls like Justina with life-changing access to education, regardless of their families’ finances.


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At WCF, we believe that community goes beyond an industry and beyond borders. We give back to the global community by partnering with For the Good, which helps girls in sub-Saharan Africa to stay in school. Girls attending secondary school have fewer and healthier children, increased income, and more decision-making power, which has a positive impact on their communities and beyond. By attending WCF, you support For the Good's work and young girls passionate about getting an education. Justina, whose story was originally published on the For the Good website, is one of those girls. 


Justina is from the Loita Hills of southern Narok County. Her father has three wives and sixteen children, six of whom are enrolled in school. Justina wants to be a nurse and received good marks on the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education exam that is given at the end of 8th grade and determines if and which secondary school one may transition to. 

Unfortunately, there are no day secondary schools near Justina’s village, only a boarding school with a fee of $400 USD a year. Justina was enrolled in the boarding school and would have been the first girl of her family to go to secondary school, but her family couldn’t pay beyond the first term. She was forced to leave school and her parents were planning to find her a husband; marrying off a daughter at a tender age is thought to secure her future.

We met Justina in 2019 and saw her passion for school and desire to learn. We found a local sponsor that paid off her debt, a For the Good donor provided a scholarship, and we were able to convince her father that Justina would have a better future if she stayed in school and delayed marriage. With this support from her family and For the Good supporters, Justina returned to secondary school in the fall term of 2019 and has continued to progress through 2022.


Join us at WCF 2024 to support the inspiring work of For the Good and make a difference in the lives of girls like Justina while building your own network and community.