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How to Manage with Empathy

There's been a shift in employee mentality. Workers no longer accept unsupportive workplaces. To create a culture people want to work for, you need empathetic leadership.



Employees want to feel respected, appreciated, and comfortable at work. Fewer and fewer workers are willing to accept anything less. The rise of resignations and job hopping are proof of just how seriously people take this shift in workplace mentality. According to Karen Powell, COO and Co-Founder of Provana, practicing empathetic leadership is the best way to create a company culture that helps employees thrive and makes them want to stay. She defines empathy as patient listening and understanding.


How to Manage with Empathy

  • Listen without judgment. Listening is not always easy. It takes concentration, time, and a lack of judgment. Karen advises, “Even if you don’t agree with what someone says, you still need to validate how they’re feeling. Being dismissive will shut that person down. So, do your best to put your judgment aside.”

  • Help your team meet their individual goals. Karen suggests asking yourself, “How am I helping my people meet their goals?” regularly. When employees know that you support their goals and success, it makes them want to do their best work. 

  • Work through challenges with employees. Asking your team questions about what they’re struggling with also helps build comfort. This, again, requires a lot of listening. When helping an employee work through a challenge, Karen encourages digging deeper than the surface level to find the real root of problems. This can be time consuming, but it’s ultimately worthwhile since it helps the employee and therefore your company thrive.

Hear more advice from Karen in the video above.